Co-active Coaching

Coaching is a dynamic partnership. Its purpose is to advance and boost the lifelong process of learning, effectiveness and fulfillment.

Co-active Coaching:

  • Assumes the client is naturally creative, resourceful and whole. The coach does not provide the answers for you, but enables you to access the answers already inside you.
  • Addresses the client’s whole life, aiming for a higher purpose, creating the means for change in the client and, by extension, in families and organizations.
  • Assures the agenda comes from the client and not from the coach. However, the coach helps the client articulate and realize their dreams.

As your coach, I will help you define your goals and design strategies and plans to achieve them. I will hold a vision of you in complete expression and summon you to meet that vision.

Together we will act as a team fully committed to deepening your learning and advancing your progress towards your goals.

The time you have now, you will never get back.
Is there anything more important than how you choose to use it?
